We lost.
Nico Colaleo on twitter made an update a few days ago detailing Kyle's punishment for owning 600+ images of CSEM, and it's only 3 years of probation and registering as a sex offender. It also confirmed that Kyle was in jail for at least 4 days before being let go on bail. I thought his hearing didn't happen due to a ransomware attack, but it did on the 25th like it said. For some reason, no news or information has got out about the extent of his crimes and how it happened after this. I spoke to someone who spoke to Lindsay (since I don't have her contact and I don't use facebook) and she confirmed my theory about the Google drive, however I'm not allowed to distribute screenshots and I don't know anything else beyond that. Unfortunately due to this, you can't take my word for it yet.
There might be a second hearing on a later unknown date, and twitter user @OneAmahira said they attended the trial and will release notes, but based on their last tweet about the situation i'm not sure if they will do that anymore, or are even allowed to.
Generally this stuff is supposed to be available to the public, but it seems like this case is suspiciously being kept private. We don't even have Kyle's mugshot and I don't think we will at this point.
So, what now? Kyle is free and gets nothing but a slap on his fat rich ass.
But you can change this ending.
If you know anyone who was a victim of Kyle, especially if they were a minor and had nudes solicited from, please try to get into contact with them and urge them to present evidence to the LA police department. Some people have already came out with their experiences, but so far 0 known victims have actually contacted the police. This is the only way to get Kyle in jail as it will add an extra charge. At this point, it is an obligation.
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: (213) 229 1700
Burbank Branch:
300 E. OLIVE ST., #104, BURBANK, CA 91502
(818) 557 3490
I don't know if this helps, but I know other newgrounders Jackmunch and TheSketchyArtist had some unpleasant to unfortunate experiences with K. Carrozza. You can check out their blog posts regarding him.
Spielzeug (Updated )
can i have a link? thank you