GLOCKEN @Spielzeug

Age 21

Joined on 2/19/21

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Spielzeug's News

Posted by Spielzeug - December 18th, 2024

Basically I'm writing a webcomic with a group of friends so if you ever wondered what my characters' stories are here u go! I made a blog about it here


Posted by Spielzeug - July 28th, 2024

We lost.

Nico Colaleo on twitter made an update a few days ago detailing Kyle's punishment for owning 600+ images of CSEM, and it's only 3 years of probation and registering as a sex offender. It also confirmed that Kyle was in jail for at least 4 days before being let go on bail. I thought his hearing didn't happen due to a ransomware attack, but it did on the 25th like it said. For some reason, no news or information has got out about the extent of his crimes and how it happened after this. I spoke to someone who spoke to Lindsay (since I don't have her contact and I don't use facebook) and she confirmed my theory about the Google drive, however I'm not allowed to distribute screenshots and I don't know anything else beyond that. Unfortunately due to this, you can't take my word for it yet.

There might be a second hearing on a later unknown date, and twitter user @OneAmahira said they attended the trial and will release notes, but based on their last tweet about the situation i'm not sure if they will do that anymore, or are even allowed to.

Generally this stuff is supposed to be available to the public, but it seems like this case is suspiciously being kept private. We don't even have Kyle's mugshot and I don't think we will at this point.

So, what now? Kyle is free and gets nothing but a slap on his fat rich ass.

But you can change this ending.

If you know anyone who was a victim of Kyle, especially if they were a minor and had nudes solicited from, please try to get into contact with them and urge them to present evidence to the LA police department. Some people have already came out with their experiences, but so far 0 known victims have actually contacted the police. This is the only way to get Kyle in jail as it will add an extra charge. At this point, it is an obligation.


Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department: (213) 229 1700

Burbank Branch:

300 E. OLIVE ST., #104, BURBANK, CA 91502

(818) 557 3490



Posted by Spielzeug - July 14th, 2024


I’m rewriting this journal for better grammar and updated info. You can view older versions on the Internet Archive.

On June 20th, Kyle Carrozza, creator of Mighty Magiswords and Moobeard the Cow Pirate was arrested for owning CSEM (child sexual abuse material). Specifically 12 videos or 600 images of abuse material, possibly of the sadistic and masochistic nature which can include torture and snuff. He was let go on bail for $75,000 on June 25th and his final court hearing will be on July 25th. We do not yet have his mugshot and do not know if his court hearing will be recorded. The arrest was due to an investigation by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.


I used to be Kyle’s friend, due to him going to the same school as my parents who he is quite close with. I almost worked on projects of his such as a remake of the Moobeard pilot with a small indie studio, SICKMUTT. Thankfully, I never ended up doing work with him. The studio disbanded before any progress could be made and it ended up saving us all in the ass. 

Last year, Kyle’s name got into some controversy over allegedly blacklisting an artist by the name of Angela Vondra for drawing shotacon hentai. For those who don’t know what that is, it’s a subgenre of Japanese anime pornographic material featuring underaged boys. Specifically Ang drew straight shota (ss), which is the pairing of adult women and little boys or “shotas”. Ang was not fired from working on Magiswords because of this since the controversy happened long after the show ended. What Kyle did was send the porn to other people so they were warned about Ang’s actions. Kyle was then accused of pushing Ang to suicide, although she is still alive. 

During the height of this in September 2023, Kyle’s Google account was coincidentally permanently suspended for “no reason”. I was told by some that Ang took credit for it going down, but I strongly doubt this because you can’t report someone’s Google drive, only Youtube channel, and there is a huge difference between your Youtube being suspended versus your entire Google account. That would also imply that somehow Ang knew about the CSEM on his drive which is completely ridiculous. Kyle’s whole Google account was wiped, drive, channels, everything. It even had his bank information and credit cards, he basically used the drive for everything. I talked with my parent who is very close to Kyle, and they confirmed that Kyle was subscribed to Google One, Google Drive’s service that gives you more space to back up your files. He had everything on the drives, literal decades worth of work and God knows what. 


For those of you that don’t know, this is a huge red flag. Kyle was stupid enough to post about it on twitter, which makes him look more incriminating. I’m glad pedophiles are stupid because it gives me evidence. The way that cloud services detect CSEM is through hash files, basically fingerprints of image files. This video by Mutahar should explain the process at the timecode. There are rarely any false positives, but there are other methods that drives and Google specifically uses to detect potential illegal material which we will go over later. Google basically ONLY does this if they detect illegal material in your drive. They don’t just suddenly delete your entire account without warning for nothing.

What I think happened is that Kyle must have synced one of his CP folders by accident, and scrambled to delete it, but it was too late. Google tripped a hash, leading to a 9-month investigation that lasted up to his final arrest on June 20th. Around that time, all his friends and colleges were wondering why he wasn't answering any messages or calls- now we know that his ass was in jail. One person at SICKMUTT asked Lindsay Carrozza (his wife) what happened to Kyle a week after his arrest (remember no one knew he was arrested at this time) since usually he was very responsive to texts and she said that "we’re both safe, but something personal happened and he might be gone for a few days". She genuinely did not know what the hell was going on at the time, but I think by now she realized the horror of Kyle's actual charge. Do NOT go and harass Lindsay about this, she did nothing and had no idea.

Possible False Positives

The hash method is generally foolproof, but there are other methods by Google like using AI image recognition to detect possible CSEM and it can also mark drawings like lolicon images as CSEM too. 

The reason why at the time I gave Kyle the benefit of the doubt is because the exact same year a similar situation happened with the Japanese artist Naoki Saito that was a mistake. In spring 2023, Saito’s Youtube and Google account disappeared mysteriously overnight. He was upset and confused, but eventually came up with a sound theory: either one of his drawing WIPs was falsely marked as explicit material, or someone put something in his Google Drive that was suspicious. Saito shares his Google drive to make his YouTube videos, since a majority of his tutorials are “correction” videos where users submit their own art to be featured in his video and “fix” it to help improve. It’s possible someone uploaded explicit material to his drive, whether it be actually explicit or falsely marked as CSEM. It was likely falsely marked since it wouldn’t make sense for people to submit explicit artwork to his drive since Saito is very family friendly. Unfortunately due to the art style some characters look quite young and may have tripped the system. 

Due to this possibility, Kyle could be innocent. However, I strongly doubt this. The charges on Kyle are very serious, with the charges detailing knowingly owning 12 videos or 600 images of sadomasochistic CSEM on his computer. I don’t know how that could be an accident. Kyle also does not share any folders on his drive to the public to my knowledge. Saito only did that for a specific reason. 



Posted by Spielzeug - June 25th, 2024

Hi guys new update i guess (also i'ts my birthfday yayyyyyye)

I'm more active on Pixiv and Tumblr (i forgot to update my links srry) so be sure to go there if you have an account

I specifically use Pixiv for fanarts stuff which i'm trying to not post on my mains anymore


Posted by Spielzeug - May 28th, 2024

Hey everyone, I finally decided to change my username here, and for good reason.

I don't really go by CMY2K anymore, but I changed it mostly because someone else was using the name for a webseries cartoon. The name is a pun on the acronyms "CMYK" (cyan magenta yellow key) and "Y2K" (year 2000 bug) but I guess I wasn't the only one to notice it. I'm not gonna name who it is but it seems like something that will get popular. I initially thought they were using my name on purpose as a way to mock me, as I have issues with people harassing me and sending me threats and mean messages, but this is not the case as they apparently had been working on it since 2016, and it's most likely a coincidence (hopefully). This blogpost is my way of clearing up that I have zero association with this person or project, and it's probably extremely confusing for them since I'm also working on a Y2K-styled project.

I'm spielzeug now, as glockenspiel is already taken. However, there is also one more other important thing - "GLOCKELSPIEL" is actually a pen name for several people. If you are familiar with the concept of doujin circles, it's kind of like that. GLOCKENSPIEL is a we, not a he or she. I'm planning to publish projects made by me and my friends under this name, and it's actually been this way for a while with my group managing some of my other platforms. As for me, Yazzy, just call me Spielzeug (meaning plaything in German) or Yazzy or Jazzy.


Posted by Spielzeug - March 5th, 2024


i'm an adult now and i will be drawing very sexy porn (not)

jk but i'm just going to post my art here maybe regularly or something i wont be making animation doe no time srry


Posted by Spielzeug - January 29th, 2022

hey guys, i'm leaving newgrounds for the time being, i don't really have a use for it anymore since i'm not making animations. after this blog goes live, i'm not going to be active anymore or answer messages or anything like that but i'm going to keep my account up because i know the animations i posted here are very important to the community. thanks for understanding, goodbye!